Annie Auston //Sudusge// (~1870 – 1938) Sudusge (Tlingit) was a member of the Deisheetaan clan. Her parents were Annie (//Tleisha.oox// and //Xina// in Tlingit) and Atlin Joe. She had two brothers, //Skwaan// (//Kaa Goox Eesh//) and //Tlawch// (Billy Atlin). Annie's first husband was Dawson Charlie //Kaa Goox.//((Sheila Greer and Greg Hare, //Desdele Mene, The Archaeology of Annie Lake.// Carcross/Tagish First Nation, 1994: 14.)) \\ After Dawson Charlie died, Annie Charlie inherited the Caribou Hotel in Carcross. She married Arthur Auston who was a North-West Mounted Police officer at Tagish with his good friend Tom Dickson. They married after he left the Force. Annie and Arthur wanted a child, so they received permission from Mariah and Tagish John (grandparents) to adopt Bobby, a son of Tom Dickson and Louise George.((Telephone conversation: Annie Auston (granddaughter) and Sally Robinson: October 3, 2008.)) \\ The Austons had a home on Millhaven Bay and hunted and trapped in the area around the West Arm of Bennett Lake, and the Wheaton River and Annie Lake valleys. One time the Austons and Mr. and Mrs. Patsy Henderson were camped with their families in the Wheaton valley. The men were trapping with the camp guns. The women saw a sheep at a salt lick and one grabbed the sheep while the other slit its throat.((Sheila Greer and Greg Hare, //Desdele Mene, The Archaeology of Annie Lake.// Carcross/Tagish First Nation, 1994: 14.)) \\ Annie Auston owned the Caribou Hotel and the Gideons were trying to buy it when Mr. Gideon died. Mrs. Gideon could not keep up the payments, but Annie let Mrs. Gideon stay and run the hotel until she died.((Telephone conversation: Annie Auston (granddaughter) and Sally Robinson: October 3, 2008.)) She also let Louise Dawson, the sole beneficiary of Mrs. Gideon’s will, run the hotel with her son and wife. The Dawsons and the Corbys gave up the lease in 1938 a few months before Annie Auston’s death. Annie’s adopted son Bobby inherited the hotel.((John Firth, //The Caribou Hotel: Hauntings, hospitality, a hunter, and a parrot.// John Firth/Caribou Hotel, 2019: 117-118.)) Annie Lake is named for Annie Auston.