Robert "Max" Ayers (b. 1912) Max Ayers was born in Reston, Manitoba. He joined Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry in 1939 at the age of 27. After the war he moved to Duncan, British Columbia and worked as a carpenter He joined the Royal Canadian Legion where he became president several times. The strikes of 1965 affected his work and so he moved on to the Yukon where there was a need for carpenters. His first Yukon job, in 1965, was with the Department of Transportation where he renovated the permanent married quarters. He was promoted to supervisor. Ayers was the Service Warrant Office for the Legion in Whitehorse. Four years later he joined a team of carpenters picked to restore the sternwheeler //Klondike.// He worked there until 1977 when he retired. After a year he became a devoted volunteer. He had a family of eight children and was honoured by his children's grandchildren on his 90th birthday.((Darrell Hookey, "Birthday marked the measure of a man." //The Yukon News// (Whitehorse), 15 July 2002.))