Andrew Baird Andrew Baird was originally from Bacarat, Australia. He was the accountant for the Yukon Gold Company in Dawson.((Walter R. Hamilton, //The Yukon Story,// Vancouver: Mitchell Press Ltd., 1964: 220-21.)) He was first associated with A.N.C. Tradgold in 1909. He was an accountant for many mining companies in the Klondike gold fields and in later years was an accountant for Yukon Consolidated Gold Corp. In 1953, Baird was the president of the Grand Lodge, Yukon Order of Pioneers.((Lewis Green, //The Gold Hustlers// Alaska Northwest Publishing Company, 1977: 242.)) Baird’s memoirs were privately printed as //Sixty Years on the Klondike// (1965). Baird retired to Vancouver in 1958.((Walter R. Hamilton, //The Yukon Story,// Vancouver: Mitchell Press Ltd., 1964: 220-21.))