Joseph Beauchamp Joseph Beauchamp took over Eli Proulx’ Bear Creek Roadhouse in the Kluane Lake country in late 1905. He added more buildings to the site and operated a fur trading post as well as the roadhouse.((Gord Allison, “The Mackintosh Trading Post.” Welcome to Yukon History Trails. 2020 website: Mrs. Joe Beauchamp passed away at Bear Creek in the spring of 1926. She was temporarily interred at Bear Creek and then her remains were moved to the cemetery at Whitehorse in October 1926.((//Whitehorse Star// (Whitehorse), 22 October 1926.)) Joseph and his third wife, Clara, sold the property around 1930. After this, the roadhouse was operated only in the winter by a caretaker. George and Dorothy Mackintosh bought the property in 1935 and changed the name to the Mackintosh Trading Post.((Gord Allison, “The Mackintosh Trading Post.” Welcome to Yukon History Trails. 2020 website: