Lionel Gordon Bennett (b. 1875) Lionel Bennett was a correspondent clerk for the Yukon Government in 1911-12.((Rasmussen Library, //Polks Gazetteer//s 1901 to 1912 index.)) Bennett ran as a liberal in South Dawson during the 1912 election. At the time he was a well-known Dawson lawyer.((Linda Johnson, //With the people who live here: The History of the Yukon Legislature 1909 – 1961.// Legislative Assembly of Yukon, 2009: 91, 108.)) Bennett enlisted in 1916 to serve as a Lieutenant in the First World War.((Library and Archives Canada, Officer’s Declaration Paper WWI. November 28, 1916 at Vancouver.)) Mrs. Bennett sold their house in Dawson to move to England as a war nurse.((//Daily Alaskan// (Skagway), 24 April 1917.))