Mike Burke (b. 1962) Mike Burke came to the Yukon in the early 1980s when he was a student working for Canamax Resources and looking for gold and tungsten.((John Thompson, "Golden Predator gobbles up territory's top geologist." //Yukon News// (Whitehorse), 21 January 2011.)) Burke received a BSc in geology from the University of British Columbia.((Yukon Chamber of Mines, “About Us.” 2020 website: https://www.yukonminers.org/index.php/about-us/9-board/12-mike-burke.)) After graduating he worked at Canamax’s Ketza River mine south of Ross River. He helped to discover the Sa Dena Hes lead and zinc deposit, about forty kilometres north of Watson Lake. Burke joined the Yukon Government in 1990 and became the top geologist there in 1994.((John Thompson, "Golden Predator gobbles up territory's top geologist." //Yukon News// (Whitehorse), 21 January 2011.)) He was head of Mineral Services for the Yukon Geological Survey.((Yukon Chamber of Mines, “About Us.” 2020 website: https://www.yukonminers.org/index.php/about-us/9-board/12-mike-burke.)) In 2011, Burke left government and joined Golden Predator who had eleven properties in the Yukon. Most of their claims were near ATAC Resources’ Rau property, northeast of Keno City. One property was at Brewery Creek, the site of an open-pit gold mine near Dawson that operated from 1997 until 2001. Another property was at Grew Creek, west of Ross River.((John Thompson, "Golden Predator gobbles up territory's top geologist." //Yukon News// (Whitehorse), 21 January 2011.)) Burke was the chief geologist for Golden Predator Mining Corp from 2011 to 2017.((Yukon Chamber of Mines, “About Us.” 2020 website: https://www.yukonminers.org/index.php/about-us/9-board/12-mike-burke.)) In 2011, Burke was consulting geologist, a member of the Yukon College Board of Governors, a member of the Advisory Committee for the Centre for Northern Innovation in Mining at Yukon College, and a member of the Technical Advisory Committee for the Yukon Geological Survey.((Yukon Chamber of Mines, “About Us.” 2020 website: https://www.yukonminers.org/index.php/about-us/9-board/12-mike-burke.))