Peter Benjamin Peter Benjamin was a Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) guide with his dog team. He travelled to the coast and Herschel Island. He often relied on an Inuvialuit guide and friend S/Cst. Jim Raddi. Benjamin travelled to the Fort McPherson Post most often and he would break trail with snowshoes. They would be gone for several weeks and check on the trappers along the way. Andrew Tizya was his helping hand because they both knew the land. (Allan Benjamin, Old Crow, Yukon. //What's Up Yukon,// 18 July 2003, Issue #103, page 3.)) The Old Crow RCMP undertook its last patrol in 1969. Constable Warren Townsend and Special Constable Peter Benjamin each drove a team of sled dogs from Old Crow to Fort McPherson and Red River and back.((Sarah Elizabeth Brown, "RCMP plan first long-range patrol since '69." //Whitehorse Star// (Whitehorse), 17 March 2004.)) Mount Benjamin is named after Peter Benjamin.