Peter and Mary Beattie Pete and Mary Beattie emigrated from the United States to the Yukon to avoid service during the Vietnam War.((Michele Moreau, "Trapper Enjoyed their 'own little Utopia.'" //How's Business Yukon.// 12 October 2007.)) They first came to Canada in 1970 and arrived in the Yukon in 1971.((Manfred Hoefs, writer and editor, //Of Man and Beast.// AMBOCA Ecological Services, 2004: 346.)) They lived on the Yukon River above Dawson from 1972 to 1977. Pete worked for Robin Burian placer mining on Barker Creek in 1976 and 1977 and then moved to a trapline on the Stewart River, about 110 miles up from Mayo.(("The Colourful Five Per Cent: More About Monte Velge." //Whitehorse Star// (Whitehorse), 16 March 2001.)) \\ The family spent some 30 years working various trap lines. Mary travelled over thirty miles a day on her trapline, and Pete travelled double that.((Michele Moreau, "Trapper Enjoyed their 'own little Utopia.'" //How's Business Yukon.// 12 October 2007.)) Pete’s story of the bear attack that killed neighbouring trapper Ed Wilkinson in 1977 is published in Manfred Hoef’s //Of Man and Beast.// At the time, Ed and his brother Jared were living and trapping at Lansing, an abandoned trading post on the Stewart River.((Manfred Hoefs, writer and editor, //Of Man and Beast.// AMBOCA Ecological Services, 2004: 149.))