Wildred George Brown (b. 1906) George Brown was born in Moosomin, Saskatchewan.((“Wilfred George Brown.” Commissioner of Yukon 2019 website: http://www.commissioner.gov.yk.ca/about/Wilfred_George_Brown.html)) Brown was an administrator in the NWT before he was appointed Yukon Commissioner in November 1952. He was in Dawson for only a few months before relocating in March 1953 with the rest of the administration to the new government capitol in Whitehorse. They set up offices in the old Whitehorse Public School until construction was finished on the new federal building on Main Street. During the Cold War, new residential subdivisions were built for the Canadian air force and army while the downtown core struggled with substandard water and sewer. The Yukon Council at this time was limited by budget to a twenty-day per year session. In the 1953 election, both federal candidates, Simmons and Black, advocated for more Yukon autonomy. A new federal minister, Gordon Robertson, relieved the pressure by supporting more connection between political reform and northern development. Brown faced local protests when he dismissed School Superintendent Jack Hulland. George Brown resigned as commissioner in the summer of 1955 and returned to a post in Ottawa.((Linda Johnson, //At the Heart of Gold: The Yukon Commissioner’s Office 1898-2010.// Legislative Assembly of the Yukon, 2012: 58-60.))