*[[c:i_cable|Ivan John “Jack” Cable (1934 - 2021)]] *[[c:d_cadzow|Daniel Cadzow (d. 1929)]] *[[c:da_cadzow|Donald A. Cadzow (1894 - 1960)]] *[[c:a_carsar|Alfred Caesar]] *[[c:m_caesar|Mary Caesar]] *[[c:d_cairnes|Delorme Donaldson Cairnes (1897 – 1917)]] *[[c:j_calbreath|John Calbreath]] *[[c:a_calder|Alexander Calder (d. 1900)]] *[[c:r_calderhead|Renwick Wallace Calderhead (1868 - 1954)]] *[[c:f_caley|Frederick George Caley (1904 - 1989)]] *[[c:g_caley|Gordon Caley]] *[[c:j_caley|Joyce Caley]] *[[c:p_callaghan|Pearl Callaghan, Gàndałêch]] *[[c:d_callahan|Daniel Callahan (1865 – 1935)]] *[[c:e_Callahan|Erina Ellen Cherosky Callahan, nee Pavlof]] *[[c:p_callison|Pat Callison (1910 - 1999)]] *[[c:i_calmegane|Ida Calmegane, Kaax’ahshee, La.oos (b. 1928)]] *[[c:d_calnon|David Calnan]] *[[c:a_cameron|Archie Cameron (1876 – 1941)]] *[[c:g_cameron|Gordon Irwin "Cam" Cameron (1900 – 1996)]] *[[c:go_cameron|Gordon Robertson Cameron (1921 - 2010)]] *[[c:m_cameron|Martha Cameron, nee Ballentine (1904 - 1990)]] *[[c:w_cameron|Willa Yvonne “Bonnie” Cameron (1924 - 2009)]] *[[c:j_campagne|Jean Campagne (b. 1874)]] *[[c:g_campbell|Gillian Campbell]] *[[c:h_campbell|Harry Campbell (1928 – 2010)]] *[[c:j_campbell|James Campbell (b. 1872)]] *[[c:jj_campbell|J.J. Campbell]] *[[c:l_campbell|Lawrence Campbell (b. 1875)]] *[[c:jo_campbell|John A. “Troublesome” Campbell]] *[[c:r_campbell|Robert Campbell (1808 - 1894)]] *[[c:b_campion|C. Brian Campion (1948 – 2002)]] *[[c:c_camsell|Charles Camsell (1876 - 1958)]] *[[c:f_cane|Frederick Warren Cane (b. 1849)]] *[[c:s_canham|Charlotte Sarah Canham, nee French (1846 – 1921)]] *[[c:t_canham|Thomas Henry Canham (1857 - 1947)]] *[[c:m_cannary|Martha Jane “Calamity Jane” Cannary (1852 – 1903)]] *[[c:f_cantin|François-Xavier "Frank" Cantin (1876 - 1958)]] *[[c:g_cantwell|George G. Cantwell]] *[[c:c_carbonneau|Charles Eugene Carbonneau]] *[[c:s_cardiff|Steven Roy Cardiff (1957 - 2011)]] *[[c:e_carey|Ernest Frank Richardson Carey (1873 – 1950)]] *[[c:c_carlucci|Cesare “Cece” Carlucci (1917 – 2008)]] *[[c:g_w_carmack|George Washington Carmack (1860 – 1922)]] *[[c:k_carmack|Kate Carmack Shaaw Tláa (~1863 – 1920)]] *[[c:m)carmack|Marguerite Carmack, nee Saftig (1874 - 1942)]] *[[c:r_carne|Robert Carne]] *[[c:a_caron|Antoine Eugene Joseph “Tony” Caron (1940 - 2014)]] *[[c:c_carpenter|Charles Emmet Carpenter (d. c1920)]] *[[c:j_carpenter|Jack Carpenter]] *[[c:b_butercarr|Brenda Butterworth-Carr]] *[[c:d_carroll|Desmond Fredrick Carroll (1938 – 2002)]] *[[c:j_carroll|(Mrs.) J. Carroll]] *[[c:ja_carroll|James Francis Carroll (1871 – 1944)]] *[[c:w_carruthers|William R. “Bill” Carruthers]] *[[c:c_carsten|Carsten and Harris]] *[[c:f_carscallen|Frank Carscallen (d. 1936)]] *[[c:a_carter|Arthur Carter (1875 – 1937)]] *[[c:s_carter|Samuel Carter (1869 – 1911)]] *[[c:w_carter|Wilfred Bernard Carter (1950 – 2024)]] *[[c:a_carvill|Andy Carvill]] *[[c:b_cash|Betty Casch]] *[[c:b_cathers|Brad Cathers]] *[[c:a_carthum|Alice Carthum, nee Fisher]] *[[c:w_cashin|William Michael "Billy" Cashin (1927 - 2004)]] *[[c:n_cashman|Ellen “Nellie” Cashman (1845 or 1851 – 1925)]] *[[c:g_cassidy|George Washington Cassidy (1884 - 1917)]] *[[c:j_castellarin|Giovanni "Joe" Castellarin (1931 - 2002)]] *[[c:b_cathro|Robert “Bob” Cathro (1935 – 2014)]] *[[c:catseah|Catseah (Gah Ts’yat)]] *[[c:w_catto|William Catto]] *[[c:j_caux|Jean Jacque “Cataline” Caux (1830 - 1922)]] *[[c:c_cawley|Carroll Cawley, nee Couch (1938 – 2006)]] *[[c:r_chaetkovich|Radivoje M. “Harry Melin” Chaetkovich (1889 – 1918)]] *[[c:p_chalifour|Pauline Mary Chalifour, nee Booth (1945 - 2020)]] *[[c:b_chamberlin|Barbara Chamberlin]] *[[c:n_chamberlist|Norman S. Chamberlist (1918 – 2001)]] *[[c:g_chambers|Grace Chambers, nee Dickson (1912 - 2007)]] *[[c:g_chambers|George Chambers (~1905 - 1941)]] *[[C:h_chambers|Harry “Shorty” Chambers (1858 – 1929)]] *[[c:j_chambers|John Thomas Chambers (b. 1882)]] *[[c:k_chambers|Kimberly Chambers (1991 - 2016)]] *[[c:r_chambers|Ron Chambers (b. 1943)]] *[[c:g_chan|George Chan (1933 – 2021)]] *[[c:b_chapman|Benjamin F. Chapman]] *[[c:c_chapman|Charles Hathway “Chappie” Chapman (1902 - 1991)]] *[[c:e_chapman|Ernest H. “Chappie” Chapman (d. 1941)]] *[[c:ej_chapman|Ernest J. Chapman]] *[[c:f_chapman|Frank Chapman]] *[[c:g_chapman|George Merson Chapman (1894 – 1916)]] *[[c:h_chapman|Harry Chapman (d. 1945)]] *[[c:m_chapman|Martha “Mattie” Chapman, nee Barton (b. 1908)]] *[[c:b_chappell|Billy Chappell]] *[[c:l_chappell|Leslie George Chappell (1901 - 1988)]] *[[c:w_chappell|William "Billy" Chappell (b. ~1867)]] *[[C:j_charlais|John Charlais]] *[[c:j_charleson|John Baptiste Charleson (b. 1836)]] *[[c:a_charlie|Alfred Charlie (b. 1923)]] *[[c:an_charlie|Annie Stevens Charlie (1912 – 2001)]] *[[c:be_charlie|Benjamin Charlie (b. 1941)]] *[[c:b_charlie|Bob William Charlie, Zhäwa Tà-Bobbyshän (1946 – 2024)]] *[[c:c_charlie|Charlie Peter Charlie (1919 – 2008)]] *[[c:ch_charlie|Chief Charlie, Nootlah]] *[[c:d_charlie|Dawn Charlie (d. 2012)]] *[[c:f_charlie|Fanny Charlie, nee Tizya (1922 - 2017)]] *[[c:h_charlie|Hazel Annie Charlie (1948 – 1951)]] *[[c:s_charlie|Solomon Charlie (1906 – 1987)]] *[[c:w_charlie|Wilfred Charlie (d. 2005)]] *[[c:b_charman|Basil Winter “Bas” Charman (1926 - 2011)]] *[[c:d_charman|Dave Charman (b. ~ 1948)]] *[[c:a_chaykowsky|Ahafia "Helen" Chaykowsky (1924 - 2007)]] *[[c:j_chaykowsky|Roman “Jake” Chaykowsky (1920 – 1995)]] *[[c:chee|Thomas Ch’eeghwalti’]] *[[c:c_chief|Charlie Chief]] *[[c:co_chief|Copper Chief, Äsì Shäw (d. ~1907)]] *[[c:c_chinery|Charles Sevani "Charlie" Chinery (d. 1918)]] *[[c:w_chipman|William Wallace Chipman]] *[[c:d_chisholm|Diane Chisholm (b. 1945)]] *[[c:j_chisholm|John Stanley “Jack” Chisholm (1875 – 1918)]] *[[c:t_chisholm|Tom Chisholm]] *[[c:a_choquette|Alexandre "Buck" Choquette (1829 – 1898)]] *[[c:c_christal|Charles Christal]] *[[c:a_christensen|Arthur Corsten Christensen (1927 – 2020)]] *[[c:I_christensen|Ione Jean Christensen, nee Cameron (b. 1933)]] *[[c:j_christie|James Murdoch Christie (1874 - 1939)]] *[[c:j_chronister|Jim Chronister]] *[[c:s_chu|Sonny Chu (1948 – 2024)]] *[[c:l_chudy|Linda Chudy (1940 – 2012)]] *[[c:i_church|Ian Ross Church (1947 - 2016)]] *[[c:o_church|Oris Eugene Church (b. 1871)]] *[[c:l_churchill|LeRoy “Roy” Churchill (d. 1949)]] *[[c:s_churchill|Stanley Robert Churchill]] *[[c:g_churchward|Guy S. Churchward]] *[[c:f_chute|Fredrick Russell Chute (1878 - 1917)]] *[[c:j_chute|Jerome Armandren Chute]] *[[c:j_Cinq|Jacques Cinq-Mars (d. 2021)]] *[[c:c_clark|Charles Richard Clark]] *[[c:f_clark|Fred Clark]] *[[c:w_clark|Walter G. Clark]] *[[c:j_clarke|James Austin Clarke (1880 – 1918)]] *[[c:Jo_clarke|Joseph Andrew Clarke (b. ~1875)]] *[[c:w_clarke|W. A. Clarke]] *[[c:r_clarkson|Randy Clarkson]] *[[c:w_clayson|William Clayson (d. 1900)]] *[[c:w_clement|William Henry Pope Clement (b. 1859)]] *[[c:j_clements|James J. Clements]] *[[c:a_cletheroe|Amy Cletheroe, nee Laberge]] *[[c:w_cletheroe|William James “Billy” Cletheroe (1881 – 1953)]] *[[c:f_cleveland|Frank A. Cleveland]] *[[c:j_cliff|Janice Cliff]] *[[c:j_close|James Archie Close (1934 - 2001)]] *[[c:b_cluett|Bert Cluett (1875 - 1971)]] *[[c:i_clut|Isidore Clut (1832 – 1903)]] *[[c:d_coates|Dan Coates]] *[[c:k_coates|Ken S. Coates (b. 1956)]] *[[c:h_cochran|Howard Cochran]] *[[c:h_cody|Hiram Alfred Cody (1872 – 1948)]] *[[c:g_coffey|George Thomas Coffey (d. ~1928)]] *[[c:c_coghlan|Charles “Charlie” Coghlan (1874 - 1953)]] *[[c:j_colbourne|John R. Colbourne]] *[[c:d_cole|D.B. Cole (1858 - 1947)]] *[[c:m_cole|Mike and Tim Cole]] *[[c:r_coles|Roger Coles]] *[[c:h_colley|Howard "Harry" Colley (1888 - 1956)]] *[[c:h_collier|Harry Collier (b. 1873)]] *[[c:f_collins|Frederick Howard Collins (1903 – 1982)]] *[[c:j_collins|Josia Collins]] *[[c:k_collins|Kelly Collins]] *[[c:m_collins|Martha Collins, nee Burian (1916 – 2016)]] *[[c:p_collins|Phillip Collins (1909 - 1996)]] *[[c:t_collins|Thomas Joseph Collins (1864 – 1918)]] *[[c:t_colville|Thomas Bowhill Colville (b. 1871)]] *[[c:g_colwell|Thomas Bowhill Colville (b. 1871)]] *[[c:b_colyer|Bette Colyer (1920 – 2006)]] *[[c:a_comadina|Adelle Elsie Francis Comadina (d. 2000)]] *[[c:m_comadina|Michael Joseph “Mike” Comadina (~1908 - 1973)]] *[[c:m_comeau|Marie-Hélène Comeau]] *[[c:m_commodore|Margaret Muriel Joe Commodore]] *[[c:l_commons|Leona Commons (b. 1970)]] *[[c:j_comyn|John Morton Comyn-Ching (b. 1878)]] *[[c:f_congdon|Frederick Tennyson Congdon (1858 - 1932)]] *[[c:j_conlin|Jack Conlin (d. ~1900)]] *[[c:d_connelly|Dawn Bartsch Connelly, nee Dawson]] *[[c:de_connelly|Dennis Clarence “Duke” Connelly (1930 – 2020)]] *[[c:r_connelly|Ronald Frederick Connelly (1931 - 2011)]] *[[c:m_conners|May Conners (1884 - 1906)]] *[[c:s_connolly|Shirley Connolly]] *[[c:t_connolly|Thomas Osbourne Connolly (1918 – 1975)]] *[[c:a_connors|Andrew Connors]] *[[c:j_conrad|John Howard Conrad (~1885 - 1928)]] *[[c:c_constantine|Charles Constantine (1846 – 1912)]] *[[c:f_cook|Fred “Digger” Cook]] *[[c:j_cook|James “Jim” Cook (1933 – 2015)]] *[[c:ja_cook|James F. Cook (d. 1940)]] *[[c:je_cook|Jean Marie Cook, nee Dolan (1928 – 2007)]] *[[c:l_cook|Leslie Ethelbert Cook (1908 - 1942)]] *[[c:m_cook|Margaret “Peg” Cook (1918 - 1991)]] *[[c:j_cooke|Jesse Cooke]] *[[c:b_cooley|Bessie Cooley, Kèyishí (b. 1944)]] *[[c:bo_cooley|Bonar George Cooley, Ghùch Shàyi (1939 – 2020)]] *[[c:t_coonan|Tim Coonen, OMI]] *[[c:d_cooper|Dale Cooper]] *[[c:e_cooper|E.R. Cooper]] *[[c:j_cooper|Joseph C. Cooper]] *[[c:l_cooper|Lou Cooper]] *[[c:m_copp|Marjorie Anne Copp (1947 – 2022)]] *[[c:a_corbeil:Ambroise Corbeil]] *[[c:z_corbet|Zheusune Fiorenza "Mme Zoom" Corbet (d. 1960s)]] *[[c:j_corcoran|J. Corcoran (d. 1898)]] *[[c:e_corp|Ernest Joseph Corp]] *[[c:d_corman|Dale Corman]] *[[c:j_cortino|Jim Cortino]] *[[c:t_corville|Thomas Corville]] *[[c:f_corwin|Frank Corwin]] *[[c:j_cote|Jean-Léon Côté (1867 - 1924)]] *[[c:h_couch|Helen Couch, nee Sippel (d. 2008)]] *[[c:o_couch|Orval Couch (1914 - 1994)]] *[[c:a_coudert|Jean-Louis Antoine Joseph Coudert O.M.I. (1895 – 1965)]] *[[c:s_coulter|Samuel L. Coulter (b. 1876)]] *[[c:c_cousins|Charles Cousins]] *[[c:d_cousins|Dylan Cousins (b. 2001)]] *[[c:r_cousins|Robert Emmett “Bob” Cousins (1925 – 2019)]] *[[c:c_coutts|Charlie Coutts (1885 - 1947)]] *[[c:r_coutts|Robert Coutts (d. 2004)]] *[[c:b_couture|Bill Couture (d. 1958)]] *[[c:g_couture|Gerald Leon “Gerry” Couture (1939 -2019)]] *[[c:j_couture|Jan Doris Couture (1942 – 2022)]] *[[c:ja_couture|Janet Couture]] *[[c:r_couture|Rudy Couture]] *[[c:a_coward|Alexander Coward (b. 1885)]] *[[c:k_cowaret|Kathleen Adeline Cowaret, nee Martin (1887 – 1958)]] *[[c:b_cowen|Bruce Cowen (1950 – 2000)]] *[[c:j_cowie|James Cowie (d. 1898)]] *[[c:w_cowley|William "Billy" Cowley]] *[[c:c_cox|Clarence Nelson Cox (1862 – 1901)]] *[[c:d_cox|Donald Gregory Cox (1932 - 2024)]] *[[c:d_cozens|Dylan Cozens (b. 2001)]] *[[c:b_craig|Benjamin Craig (b. ~1876)]] *[[c:c_craig|Clarence “Clary” Craig (1905 - 2005)]] *[[c:d_craig|Doug Craig (1934 - 2005)]] *[[c:j_craig|John “Jack” Davidson Craig (1876 - 1931)]] *[[c:k_craig|Kristina Craig]] *[[c:l_craig|Lulu Alice Craig]] *[[c:r_craig|Robert Brice Craig (1866 – 1925)]] *[[c:j_crawford|John Wallace “Captain Jack” Crawford (1847 - 1917)]] *[[c:d_crayford|Dorothy Elizabeth Crayford, nee Peake (1916 – 2010)]] *[[c:i_crayford|Irene Alice Crayford, nee Caley (b. 1928)]] *[[c:l_crayford|Lawrence “Laurie” Crayford]] *[[c:w_creamer|Walter "Sid" Creamer]] *[[c:p_creamer|Philip Sinclair Creamer (b. 1893)]] *[[c:r_creecy|Roshier Harrison Creecy (1866 - 1948)]] *[[c:a_crisfield|Ambrose George Crisfield (1882 – 1918)]] *[[c:s_crocker|Susanne Crocker]] *[[c:s_cromarty|Samuel Ephrum Cromarty]] *[[c:a_cronin|Alfred Cronin (1884 - 1918)]] *[[c:h_cronkhite|Howard Hooper Cronkhite (1898 - 1949)]] *[[c:g_crosby|George Harvey Crosby (1856 – 1942)]] *[[c:a_cross|Anders Cross]] *[[c:a_cruikshank|Andrew David “Andy” Cruikshank (1898 – 1932)]] *[[c:j_cruikshank|Julie Cruikshank]] *[[c:l_cruikshank|Lewis Cruikshank (d. ~1940)]] *[[c:a_cudlip|Albert J. Cudlip (1864 - 1907)]] *[[c:n_culbertson|N.E. Culbertson (d. 1928)]] *[[c:w_cummings|William "Bill" Cummings]] *[[c:p_cunning|Patricia Cunning]] *[[c:d_cunningham|David A. Cunningham]] *[[c:t_cunningham|Thomas Cunningham]] *[[c:f_cunynghame|Francis Cunynghame]] *[[c:e_curley|Eugene Curley]] *[[c:b_currie|Barbara Currie]] *[[c:m_currie|Mrs. Daniel A. Currie (d. 1926)]] *[[c:g_currie|George Byron Currie (1875 – 1918)]] *[[c:w_currie|William Kenneth “Bill” Currie]] *[[c:b_curry|Bob Curry]] *[[c:l_curry|Malina Jane “Linch” Curry, nee Van Bibber (1927 – 2020)]] *[[c:a_curtis|Asahel Curtis (d. 1941)]] *[[c:d_curtis|Dan Curtis]] *[[c:l_curzon|Lambert Curzon (b. 1941)]] *[[c:a_cushing|Al Cushing]] *[[c:j_cuthbert|James Stuart Ross Cuthbert (1895 – 1917)]] *[[c:a_cyr|Alice Swearingen Cyr]] *[[c:an_cyr|Antoine “Tony” Cyr (1871 – 1946)]] *[[c:c_cyr|Corinne Cyr (d. 2006)]] *[[c:l_cyr|Laurent Cyr (1919 - 2006)]] *[[c:m_cyr|Marie-Ange Beaudin Arbour Cyr (1884 – 1970)]] *[[c:mi_cyr|Mike Cyr (1857 – 1933)]] *[[c:p_cyr|Paul Joseph Cyr (1923 – 2013)]]