Bonar George Cooley, Ghùch Shàyi (1939 – 2020) Bonar Cooley arrived in Teslin in 1963. He married Bess Jackson and was adopted into the Yenyèdi clan and given the Tlingit name Ghùch Shàyi (Wolf Head). Bonar and Bessie started a comprehensive genealogy for the Teslin Tlingit in the early 1970s. Boner was a founding member of the Teslin fire department.((“Bonar George Cooley.” //Yukon News,// 28 August 2020.)) He worked for the school and was a bus driver for many years.((“Bonar George Cooley.” //Yukon News,// 28 August 2020.)) Bonar Cooley, George Johnston and several other community leaders in Teslin founded the Teslin Historical & Museum Society in the early 1970s. The group donated countless hours building the museum and then each donated their personal collections. With the help of a $25,000 construction grant from the territorial government, the George Johnston Museum had a grand opening on July 18, 1975.((Matthew Cameron. "Remembering George Johnston for 30 years." //What's Up Yukon!// (Whitehorse), 22 July 2005.))