Clarence Nelson Cox (1862 – 1901) Clarence Cox was born in Maitland, Nova Scotia to Charles and Margaret Graham Cox. His father was a ship builder. Cox moved to Victoria around 1889 to go sealing. He caught seals in the open sea which was a wasteful but popular method at the time. He was the master of several ships and brought home record catches including a trip in 1894 when he returned with 4,560 sealskins when 2,000 was considered a good catch. The herd declined and prohibition against sealing increased so Cox changed occupations and became a master on the Yukon River sternwheelers. He was well known for his skill navigating the exposed river delta. He was the captain when Governor General Lord Minto and Lady Minto travelled by boat from Whitehorse to Dawson [in 1901?]. His brother Captain Rupert Cox was also a master on the Yukon River boats.((Leonard G. McCann, “Clarence Nelson Cox.” //Dictionary of Canadian Biography,// 2019 website: