G. P. Colwell G. P. Colwell was from St. Johns, New Brunswick and represented the Fundy Fox Farming Co. He spent several weeks in Skagway and southern Yukon in April 1913 and decided to locate in Whitehorse. He purchased four acres of land from the government across the Yukon River from the long warehouse and built corrals for the foxes. Colwell was in the country in 1912 and established a number of agencies in southern Yukon, northern British Columbia, and Alaska that secured live foxes to be sent to the new farm as soon as navigation opened.((“New Industry Here.” //The Weekly Star// (Whitehorse), 2 May 1913; //ExploreNorth,// 2020 website: http://www.explorenorth.com/library/history/fox_farms-yukon.html.)) The Colwell Fur Farms applied to purchase eleven and a half acres on the Lewes River [Yukon River] above Miles Canyon between 1914-1916.((Yukon Archives, YRG 1 Series 1 Vol. 45 file 29601.)) The 1914 prospectus of Colwell Fur Farms Ltd. lists Commissioner George Black and two territorial councillors among the directors. Legislation that year prohibited shipping live foxes unless they had been in captivity for at least two years. All exports had to be permitted by the Commissioner. This new law favoured the fur farms. Live trapping was done mainly by the First Nations who could not keep the foxes for two years.((Robert McCandless, //Yukon Wildlife, A Social History.// University of Alberta Press, 1985: 113.)) The chief game guardian in Alberta became concerned about the number of foxes being caught and proposed a law to prohibit the capture of foxes and whelps during the breeding season.((“New Industry Here.” //The Weekly Star// (Whitehorse), 15 August 1913; //ExploreNorth,// 2020 website: http://www.explorenorth.com/library/history/fox_farms-yukon.html.)) Colwell Fur Farms Ltd. is included in a list of fox and mink farms in the southern Yukon, dated 1 June 1915. Colwell is reported to have eight black & silver fox and twenty-four cross fox at Whitehorse.((Yukon Archives, Gov 1963. YRG 1 Series 5 Vol. 17 file 936.))