Lawrence Campbell (b. 1875) Lawrence Campbell was a constable with the North-West Mounted Police in 1902 and 1903.((Rasmussen Library, //Alaska Yukon Gazetteers// 1901 to 1912 index.)) He was a miner near Dawson in October 1916 when he enlisted to serve in the First World War.((Library and Archives Canada, Attestation Paper, WWI Reg. #2004518 3 October 1916 at Dawson.)) He was mining on Quartz Creek and owned a half interest in Sirius; all interest in Lyra; half interest in War Whoop; all interest in Vega, Annie, Majestic, Orion, and Victoria; and a half interest in Radium, La Paloma, Pauline and Andromeda hard rock claims. His address was Quartz Creek YT [Readford].((Yukon Archives, GOV 1654, f.29600-B 4(7).)) Lawrence Campbell returned to the Yukon in March 1919.((Yukon Archives, GOV 1654.))