Marie-Ange Beaudin Arbour Cyr (1884 – 1970) Marie-Ange Arbour was a widow with two young children when she arrived in the Yukon by train from Montreal in 1918. She was to be a housekeeper for Felix Laderoute, the Mayor of Kirkman Creek.(("Paul Joseph Cyr: The last of the Cyr pioneer family has gone to rest." //Whitehorse Star// (Whitehorse), 18 October 2013.)) Laderoute was Marie’s uncle [or father-in-law.](("Aline Arbour Taylor - 1991-2005." //Whitehorse Star// (Whitehorse), 8 April 2005.)) Laderoute’s ranch turned out to be a rough, dirt-floored sheep ranch and Marie took the same sternwheeler back to Whitehorse. She was attempting to buy a ticket on the ill-fated //Princess Sophia// but the agent could not speak French. He called in a bilingual teamster, Tony Cyr, to translate and Tony convinced the young woman to stay in the Yukon. They were married within two months and they had five more children.(("Paul Joseph Cyr: The last of the Cyr pioneer family has gone to rest." //Whitehorse Star// (Whitehorse), 18 October 2013.)) Marie’s first two children were Aline and Wilbrod Arbour.(("Aline Arbour Taylor - 1991-2005." //Whitehorse Star// (Whitehorse), 8 April 2005.)) Marie and Tony’s children were Laurent, Lomer, Gloria, Paul, and Rosalie Cyr.((//Empreinte: La Presence francophone au Yukon.// Tome 2. Whitehorse: Association franco-yukonnaise, 1997: 107-8.))