Zheusune Fiorenza "Mme Zoom" Corbet (d. 1960s) Zheusune Fiorenza Corbet was born in Picardy, France. She was well-educated and well-travelled, an accomplished pianist, and a seamstress. She studied dressmaking in Paris and was always well dressed. There was a rumour she was the daughter of a British diplomat. She married a Canadian Army Reserve engineer in Dawson. He was killed at Gibraltar shortly after they were married and awarded the George Cross posthumously for heroic non-military heroism.((Linda E.T. MacDonald and Lynette R. Bleiler, //Gold & Galena.// Mayo Historical Society, 1990: 359.)) Mme Zoom used to spend winters in Keno with Massa Sakata and summers in Dawson. She lived next door to the Lucky Inn/Klondike Kate's and the house has been torn down. She was a remittance lady, although not noticeably wealthy. There are stories about her walking around in only a coat, and she could swear like a teamster.((Sally Robinson interviewing John Gould, 22 February 1993.)) She returned from Keno to live in Dawson in the 1950s and she died of cancer in Vancouver in the 1960s.((Linda E.T. MacDonald and Lynette R. Bleiler, //Gold & Galena.// Mayo Historical Society, 1990: 359.))