Fred Doehle (1931 - 2001) Fred Doehle was born in North Battlefield, Saskatchewan to parents Lesle and Ellen Doehle. He was raised on the farm, the youngest of five children. He moved to Dawson Creek in 1949 and worked with CNT, travelling up and down the Alaska Highway. He settled in Whitehorse in 1951 and became a partner in Whitehorse Plumbing and Heating. He left the business after three years and worked for various employers including the Canadian Air Force and the Yukon government. Doehle established Fred's Plumbing and Heating in 1966 and sold the business in 1976 when he bought a citrus grove in Texas. He bought property on Marsh Lake in 1970 and worked on building the business that would become the Lakeview Resort and Marina.((“Fred and Rita.” 2019 website: He put a road in from the Alaska highway to some land he leased on Marsh Lake and built a RV Park, a marina and ten cabins. The marina burnt in 1982, and Fred had no insurance to rebuild. He used available cash and restored services to the RV Park. Over the year, he framed in ten motel rooms above the washroom and laundromat, and tuned the property over to his son and daughter in 1986. The business was sold to Dwayne Holt and Ian Stallabrass in 1996.((Dianne Green, "The house that Fred built...and rebuilt." //The Yukoner Magazine,// No. 2. October 1996: 15-22.))