G. F. Daniel G. F. Daniel came into the Yukon in 1898. He was a butcher at Grand Forks on Bonanza Creek and then manager of the short-lived //Morning Journal// newspaper before working for Chris Bartch & Co. wholesale meat. He canvassed the creeks in the spring of 1901 and made contracts for the delivery of meat during the season. He then had a contract to deliver meat from the Bartch abattoirs, one on the Yukon River opposite Klondike City and one on Dominion Creek. Daniel collected payment for the firm and a large amount of money passed through his hands. He was some weeks behind in his accounts, but he was well thought of and no one suspected he was dishonest. He missed a meeting where he was supposed to hand over $35,000 and it was shortly evident that he had taken passage downriver. A telegram was sent to Forty Mile and Eagle to intercept him, and a warrant was issued for his arrest for embezzlement. He was apprehended at Eagle and detained until an officer could arrive to get him. It was thought to be done without extradition papers as there was an understanding between the two countries so they helped each other with the detention of criminals who crossed the border. Judge Wickersham was absent from Eagle at the time and there was no court there with the jurisdiction to hear a habeas corpus. A Dawson newspaper thought there was no doubt that Daniel would be brought back on the next boat from downriver.((“Daniel skips with $35,000.” //Klondike Nugget// (Dawson), 16 September 1901.))