Hamilton Daglish (b. 1874) Hamilton Daglish was born in England. He was a gold miner on Dominion Creek around 1909.((Linda E.T. MacDonald and Lynette R. Bleiler, //Gold & Galena.// Mayo Historical Society, 1990: 360.)) He was still mining near Dawson in 1916 when he enlisted to serve in the First World War.((Library and Archives Canada, Attestation paper, WWI Reg. #1015546. 1 April 1916 at Sidney.)) On 3 June 1916, claims 7 and 8 below the mouth of All Gold on Flat Creek were transferred from J.D. Ryan to Hamilton Daglish. E. J. Corp sold Hamilton Daglish all interests in No 10 on Flat Creek below the mouth of All Gold Creek on 13 June 1916.((Yukon Archives, GOV 1654, f.29600-B 4(7).)) These claims were all held free of cancellation for the duration of the war.((Yukon Archives, GOV 1654, f.29600-B 4(7).)) Sergeant Daglish was recruited by Captain George Black and was in England by August 1917. ((//Dawson Daily News// (Dawson), 17 August 1917.)) He returned to the Yukon after the war and registered as a returned soldier looking for work in March 1920.((Department of Soldiers’ Civil Re-Enlistment. Yukon Archives, GOV 1654, f.29600-G.)) Daglish was living in Keno in 1923-24.((//Polks Gazetteer,// 1923-24.)) This is about the time he started working for the federal postal service. He was living in Dawson in 1934 when he transferred to Whitehorse. He retired in 1942 after working eighteen years with the postal service, and he and his wife moved to Victoria, British Columbia.((//The Whitehorse Star// (Whitehorse), 28 August 1942.))