John Dickson (b. ~1900) John Dickson was a member of the Wolf Clan, born near Pelly Banks at Mink Creek. His parents were Eketsi'ets and Bill Dickson. When he was young, he worked for the RCMP as a Special Constable, interpreter, guide, and cook for the first Police officer stationed in the Ross River area, Sergeant Claude Tidd. John worked on the boat crew transporting supplies to Pelly Banks.((Pat Moore, ed., //Dene Gudeji: Kaska Narratives.// Kaska Tribal Council, 1999: 31.)) He learned many stories from his grandfather when he was growing up in the Pelly Banks region. His family fished in the larger lakes and in the Pelly River for salmon. They travelled seasonally to the high country to hunt for large game like caribou.((James Ruppert and John W. Bernet, editors. //Our Voices: Native Stories of Alaska and the Yukon.// Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 2001: 150.)) His first wife was Dehsela and he remarried [her sister] Neso Dickson, the mother of his many children. John Dickson was a successful trapper in the Pelly Bank region.((Pat Moore, ed., //Dene Gudeji: Kaska Narratives.// Kaska Tribal Council, 1999: 31.)) John Dickson became a well-known Kaska elder and storyteller. In May 1990, he was living at Upper Liard.((James Ruppert and John W. Bernet, editors. //Our Voices: Native Stories of Alaska and the Yukon.// Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 2001: 150.))