Lisa Dewhurst, Keis.ey Lisa Dewhurst belongs to the Nlaka'pamux Nation of Merritt, B.C.. She lives in Teslin where she has been given a Tlingit name and adopted into the Kukhittan Clan of the Teslin Tlingit (Raven Children). Her name, Keis.ey, refers to the time just before dawn breaks.((“Beaded hearts fur décor pillow by Lisa Dewhurst.” Unorthodox, 2022 website: Lisa received a diploma in Cultural Resource Management from the University of Victoria in 2020.((“Lisa Dewhurst.” LinkedIn, 2024 website: (27) Lisa Dewhurst | LinkedIn)) She worked for more than [seventeen] years [as the business and marketing manager] at the Teslin Tlingit Heritage Centre. In 2020, she curated a travelling exhibition of Yukon First Nations’ graduation regalia. Lisa then became the First Nation advisor for the Yukon Arts Centre.((“Beaded hearts fur décor pillow by Lisa Dewhurst.” Unorthodox, 2022 website: She is the sole proprietor of Lisa Dewhurst Consulting.