Richard Harding Davis (1889-1918) Richard Davis was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In 1918, he was working on Yukon Gold’s Dredge No. 2.((The Maritime Museum of British Columbia, //SS Princess Sophia: Those Who Perished,// 2018: 53-54.)) He worked for the Yukon Gold Company for several years and then worked on the Yukon River sternwheelers as a deck hand for the fall. This pattern of taking work on a final couple of trips on the steamers was normal for the dredge workers who only made $4.50 an hour. There was always end of the season work on the boats. Davis was crew on the sternwheeler //Seattle No. 3// in October 1918. His wife Louise worked for the Cascade Laundry in Dawson and they both were looking forward to leaving before freeze-up.((Ken Coates and Bill Morrison, //The Sinking of the Princess Sophia: Taking the North Down with Her.// Toronto: Oxford University Press. 1990: 24.)) They had been married for five years and lived at Grand Forks on Bonanza Creek.((The Maritime Museum of British Columbia, //SS Princess Sophia: Those Who Perished,// 2018: 54.)) Richard and Louise drowned when their ship, the //Princess Sophia,// sank in the Lynn Canal in the fall of 1918.((Ken Coates and Bill Morrison, //The Sinking of the Princess Sophia: Taking the North Down with Her.// Toronto: Oxford University Press. 1990: 24.))