Wallace J. Dow (b. 1879) Wallace Dow returned to the Yukon in June 1919 from the service in the First World War.((Yukon Archives, , GOV 1654.)) Corporal Dow was helped with transportation costs from Vancouver to Dawson.((Yukon Archives, GOV 1654, 1(5).)) The Department of Soldiers’ Civil Re-Establishment helped J. Dow in drawing up an application for a loan from the Canadian Yukon Patriotic Find to carry on a fur business.((June 1920 Report, Department of Soldiers’ Civil Re-Enlistment. Yukon Archives, GOV 1654, f.29600-G.)) The Canadian Yukon Patriotic Fund loaned returned soldier W. Dow $500 on May 29, 1920 to ship furs.((June 1920 Report, Department of Soldiers’ Civil Re-Enlistment. Yukon Archives, GOV 1654, f.29600-G.))