Henry E. Ewart Henry Ewart was the son of David Ewart, Canada’s Chief Dominion Architect from 1896 to 1914. Henry’s brother was an acclaimed Ottawa architect.((“David Ewart.” //Wikipedia,// 2019 website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Ewart)) Henry Ewart assisted T.W. Fuller in designing and constructing the new government buildings in Dawson for the Department of Public Works (DPW).((Harold Kalman,// A History of Canadian Architecture. Part 2.// Toronto: Oxford University Press. 1994: 546.)) After the DPW job was finished, Ewart stayed on in Dawson for a season and went into practice for himself. He designed and supervised the construction of the Dawson Amateur Athletic Association building and several others.(("City News in Brief." //Dawson Daily News// (Dawson), 13 December 1902 in Margaret Archibald, "By Federal Design: The Chief Architect's Branch of the Department of Public Works, 1881-1914." //Parks Canada Studies in Archaeology,// 1983: 4 footnote 46.))