Howard Wesley Firth (1910 – 1977) Howard Firth was born in Dawson to Thomas and Delia Firth. Howard was employed by the Canadian Bank of Commerce and eventually transferred to Fernie, British Columbia where he met his future wife, Nancy, in 1932. Howard was financially secure in 1937 and they married. At this time, his father asked him to come home and take over the business. Thomas offered $200 a month over the $70 Howard was earning at the bank. Howard and Nancy moved to Dawson and lived in a small house on Princess Street. They had six children: Howie Jr., Tom, John, Sheila, Catherine and Nancy Lou.((Palma Berger, "TA Firth - 100 Years." //The Klondike Sun// (Dawson), 13 September 2006.)) Dawson was administered by the Yukon Commissioner from 1904 to July 1950 when Howard Firth became the mayor. This was allowed after a Municipal ordinance was passed reinstating the office of Mayor and council. Firth resigned in 1953.((Kathy Jones-Gates, “Notes from the Municipal Archives.” //The Klondike Sun// (Dawson), 13 November 1991.)) Dawson lost its capitol status in the early 1950s, and Firth moved the firm to Whitehorse in 1954. His sons Howard Wesley Firth, Jr. and Thomas Patrick Firth took over the firm after their father died.((T.A. Firth & Son Ltd. Insurance." //Yukon News// supplement (Dawson), 15 February 1991.)) During the 100-year anniversary party for the firm in Dawson, it was announced that John Gould had been the longest customer and he was awarded free house insurance for a year.((Palma Berger, "TA Firth - 100 Years." //The Klondike Sun// (Dawson), 13 September 2006.))