George H. Grenier (b. 1888) George Grenier partnered with Edward Menard on the Pelly River on land purchased by Menard in 1901. Grenier was a farmer and a family man.((Flo Whyard, “Farm’s history goes back 94 years.” //Whitehorse Star// (Whitehorse), 3 May 1995.)) Grenier, arrived in 1906 and he looked after the farm while Menard worked elsewhere. In 1908, the widow Mrs. Joseph Wright and her 13-year-old son Percy came to visit her brother and his wife, Robert and Hilda Lothrop at Minto. Mrs. Wright started work at the Pelly Crossing Roadhouse, about three miles about of the mouth of the Pelly River and three miles below the farm. The roadhouse serviced travellers along the Overland Trail between Whitehorse and Dawson. George Grenier and Mrs. Wright were married in 1909 at the mission church at Fort Selkirk.((“Pelly River Ranch.” //The Whitehorse Star// (Whitehorse), 10, [month?] 2021.)) A marriage licence was issued at Fort Selkirk for George Grenier and Mattie Wright.((Yukon Archives, GOV 1686; Pelly River GOV 2081.)) The Greniers boarded horses used on the Overland Trail, sometimes as many as thirty, and mules as well. Grenier farmed and sometimes ran a raft of logs down to Dawson. They had a dry well that went below frost level to keep meat, fish and milk. Grenier brought the first milk cow to Pelly Farm via the sternwheeler to Fort Selkirk.((“Pelly River Ranch.” //The Whitehorse Star// (Whitehorse), 10, [month?] 2021.)) In 1908, George Grenier was fined $50 and costs for supplying liquor to people at Selkirk.((Royal North-West Mounted Police Annual Report. Sessional Paper No. 28. 1909: 223.)) In 1910, Grenier found a deposit of coal on a creek above Fort Selkirk on the Yukon River. He hand-mined the coal in the summer and hauled it to Fort Selkirk by wagon.((Gus Karpes, //Exploring the Upper Yukon River: Carmacks to Dawson City.// Surrey B.C.: Hancock House. 1998: 65.)) He applied for a lease to mine coal near Wolverine Creek in 1911. His lease was next to one owned by R. P. Hall who tunnelled thirty feet from a shaft twenty feet deep. The coal was not marketable.((Mike Rourke, //Yukon River: Marsh Lake to Dawson City.// Houston B.C.: Rivers North Publications, 1997: 117.)) The Greniers ran the farm until they left in 1912.((“Pelly River Ranch.” //The Whitehorse Star// (Whitehorse), 10, [month?] 2021.)) That year, Grenier formed a partnership with Alex Shaver of the lower Pelly Roadhouse.((Mike Rourke, //Yukon River: Marsh Lake to Dawson City.// Houston B.C.: Rivers North Publications, 1997: 117.)) Grenier and Meniard owned the farm from 1901 to 1915. During the last four years, Menard was employed as the telegraph operator at Fort Selkirk [1910 – 1914]. Frank Chapman and Pete Olsen bought the property in 1915 and cleared more farmland.((Flo Whyard, “Farm’s history goes back 94 years.” //Whitehorse Star// (Whitehorse), 3 May 1995.))