Gordon Gutrath Gordon Gutrath is a geologist and professional engineer. Encouraged by friends, Gutrath founded the public company Queenstake Resources Ltd. in 1976. The company was incorporated as Queenstake in 1977 after acquiring the Mar Tungsten property.((//Queenstake Resources Ltd., Corporate Overview.// 1988. 2024 website: PF020395.pdf (gov.bc.ca) )) This block of claims was on a tributary of Haggart Creek. They also optioned placer gold-tungsten claims on Dublin Gulch. Their downstream neighbours were experienced miners Holway and Duensing operating as Darron Placers. Queenstake shut down operations in August 1977 and that fall Canada Tungsten purchased a thirty percent interest in the company. With that they were able to buy the Darron Placer claims and stake a large block of quartz claims covering Dublin Gulch.((Michael Gates, //Dublin Gulch: A History of the Eagle Gold Mine.// Lost Moose, 2020: 40.)) Queenstake next acquired the gold placer property at Clear Creek and three large bucketline dredges. They started dredge renovation and reserve preparation at Clear Creek in 1979.((//Queenstake Resources Ltd., Corporate Overview.// 1988. 2024 website: PF020395.pdf (gov.bc.ca) )) In 1986, Canada Tungstun sold the Dublin Gulch placer claims back to Gutrath who leased them back to Holway and Duensing.((Michael Gates, //Dublin Gulch: A History of the Eagle Gold Mine.// Lost Moose, 2020: 42.))