W. E. Geiger W. E. Geiger was listed as captain of the //Portus B. Weare// on 9 August 1895.((R.N. DeArmond, “The Ill Favored Steamboat Arctic.” //Alaska Journal 1// (Autumn, 1971); Jerry E. Green, //Yukon Riverboat Captains,// 2020 website: http://www.users.miamioh.edu/greenje/#G.)) W. E. Geiger was still captain of the //Portus B. Weare// sternwheeler in September 1897. Klondike stampeders were in a panic to leave because the word was there would be no food for the winter. Ice in the river was preventing boats from getting through to Dawson. Ed Lung and his partners were about twenty-five miles below Dawson when they saw the steamer //Weaver// [Weare] fighting her way upstream. They asked about food but a deck hand answered that there was not much food because they were trying to get to Dawson to pick up passengers. The sternwheeler //Bella// arrived at Forty Mile, headed up to Dawson, before the //Weare// arrived on her way back downriver. The //Weare// was frozen in at Circle City, Alaska on her way downriver.((Ella Lung Martinsen, //Black Sand and Gold.// Portland: Binfords & Mort. 1974: 221, 234, 248, 256.)) In 1905, Geiger organized a trading company to operate on the Kuskokwim River in Alaska and he bought the riverboat //Quickstep// for the business.((Jerry E. Green, //Yukon River Captains,// 2020 website: http://www.users.miamioh.edu/greenje/#G.))