Albert Edward “Alf” Hetherington (1867 – 1928) Rev. A. E. Hetherington was born near Smith Fall’s, Ontario and grew up in rural Manitoba. He graduated from Wesley College with a B.A. and undertook theological studies at Victoria College. He obtained a Bachelor of Divinity and was ordained in the Methodist Church in 1898. He was stationed as an assistant to Rev. James Turner in Dawson and spent three years in the north.((The British Columbia Archival Information Network, 2024 website: A.E. Hetherington - MemoryBC)) Hetherington travelled from Vancouver to St. Michael on the steamer //Danube// that was carrying materials for a Yukon River paddle wheeler. He had to wait for the new boat’s construction before carrying on up the Yukon River. He arrived in Dawson on 25 August 1898. Part of his duties included conducting summer outdoor evangelical services. He started supervision of a 25’ x 52’ log church which was dedicated on 15 October 1898. A small organ was donated to the church and Miss Alberta Swan volunteered to play at the services. She and her family, including mining engineer Anson Swan, had just arrived in Dawson. Albert and Alberta were married in June 1899 with Rev. Turner officiating. Their child, Ruth, was born in Dawson before the Hetheringtons were transferred to Kamloops in 1902.((“The Early Methodist Church in the Yukon.” [Old Log Church Museum files?]; “Memorable Manitobans: Albert Edward Hetherington (1867-1928).” Manitoba Historical Society Archives, 2024 website: Memorable Manitobans: Albert Edward Hetherington (1867-1928) )) After leaving Dawson, Rev. Hetherington held several pastorates in British Columbia and, for two years, was acting principal of Columbia College in New Westminster. He earned a Master of Sacred Theology from Harvard and then returned to Manitoba in 1919 to become Secretary of Young People’s Work, and lecturer in religious education at Wesley College. He was a full professor by 1921 and the College awarded him an honorary doctorate in 1925. After the church union, Dr. Rev. Hetherington served on the United Church’s Board of Religious Education.((The British Columbia Archival Information Network, 2024 website: A.E. Hetherington - MemoryBC))