Carl Hafstad (d. 1913) Carl Hafstad mined on Quartz Creek and was fascinated by Haystack Mountain across the valley. He climbed it many times during the winter. On his death bed he persuaded L. B. Roal, his best friend, to bury him on the highest peak. He died in Dawson in the heat of the summer and his body was taken to the creeks in a light wagon. Roal arranged relays of horses along the route and the first team travelled to Grand Forks, the second to MacMillan's roadhouse on Quartz Creek, the third to McKinnon's camp, and the fourth to the foot of the mountain. A road was swamped through the last three miles. Hafsteadā€™s body was then carried by men in relays of four. The grave was dug by his mining partners, the Haaland Brothers.((Andrew Baird, //Sixty Years on the Klondike,// Vancouver: Gordon Black Publications, 1965: 94.))