Colin Dunlop Hart (b. 1888) Colin Dunlop Hart was born in Scotland.((Library and Archives Canada, Attestation Paper. WWI Reg. #2004632. 21 September 1916 in Dawson.)) He was a bank clerk with the Bank of British North America.((Rasmussen Library, Alaska Yukon Gazetteers 1901 to 1912 index.)) He enlisted for service in the First World War in September 1916 in Dawson.((Library and Archives Canada, Attestation Paper. WWI Reg. #2004632.)) He was recruited by Captain George Black and was in England in August 1917.((//Dawson Daily News// (Dawson), 17 August 1917.)) His creek claims Nos 11 and 14 Above on All Gold Creek and creek claim No. 1 Above on Fife Creek were held free from cancellation until the war ended.((Yukon Archives, GOV 1654, f.29600-B 4(7).))