David William Hume, Da Ke Ch'ada ghu (1911 -1996) David Hume Sr. was born at Shäwshe (Dalton Post) in 1911, the son of William and Lilly Hume. He grew up at Dalton Post and the Leksa Lake area and lived in Whitehorse and Haines Junction. David Hume retired to Klukshu after a career working for Yukon Highway Maintenance. He and his sisters, Jessie, Fanny, Mary, and Jeanette were members of the Wolf Clan. David's first wife [Laura Hayden] died in 1936. He married to Hazel Pringle and they had six children: Frances, John, Chuck, Richard, Carol, and Albert. Chuck Hume’s daughter Charlene spent many summers in Klukshu with her grandfather and his two youngest daughters.((Charlene Hume, "David William Hume Sr. Da Ke Ch'ada ghu" in //From First We Met to Internet: Stories from Haines Junction's first Sixty-Five Years as a Settlement.// Yukon College, 2007: 61-2.))