Henry Hanlon (~1880 - 1932) Henry Hanlon was born at Bennett Lake, New Brunswick, now part of Fundy National Park. He left home at age eighteen and headed for the Yukon. He started living and trapping on the White River about 1900 and was a recluse with very few friends. He had a reputation of difficult to get along with by the other trappers. He disappeared in August 1932 and the last to see him alive where J. McLaughlin and W. Mittelhouser when he stocked up on supplies as he did twice yearly. He is believed to have drowned while poling his boat on the White River. Hanlon had many cabins along the river, and they were all stocked when the RCMP investigated. His estate was seven dollars’ worth of fur and a single Kodak camera worth five dollars.((Letter from Claude Smith in Moncton, New Brunswick to //The Yukoner Magazine,// Issue No. 30, September 2005: 5-6.))