Lillian Harbottle, nee Bigger Lillian Bigger travelled from Kansas City to Dyea with her family in 1898. Her father opened a store in Dyea and then moved the family to Whitehorse after the railway was completed in 1900. Lillian married Frank Harbottle in 1901, a North-West Mounted Police officer posted to the White Pass Summitt. The couple moved to Whitehorse and Frank resigned from the police [in 1905].((Shirley Culpin, “Generations Worked Here, There, Everywhere to Make Good Life.” //The Whitehorse Star// (Whitehorse), 18 June 1975.))\\ Mrs. Lillian Harbottle received a certificate from the American Red Cross at a Whitehorse dance in January 1946. The certificate was in recognition of her over one thousand hours of voluntary service. Lillian had been a faithful presence behind the snack bar since the American Red Cross club opened in July 1943.((//The Whitehorse Star// (Whitehorse), 1 February 1946.))