Thomas Hyde Hinton Thomas Hinton was the mining recorder in Dawson around 1900, and at Minto Bridge from 1904 to 1911 for the Duncan Creek Mining District.((Mayo Historical Society, //Gold & Galena.// Mayo Historical Society, 1990: 386.)) Hinton and partner Weldon C. Young had claims on Duncan and Beliveau creeks in 1902. Hinton staked a claim on Corkery Creek in 1916 and is also listed as quartz mining on Galena Creek in //Polks// 1915-16 directory. He staked claims on Bunker Hill in 1920. Hinton died and is buried in Mayo.((Mayo Historical Society, //Gold & Galena.// Mayo Historical Society, 1990: 386.)) Mount Hinton, six miles north of Mayo Lake in the Gustavus Range, is named for the well-liked mining recorder.((R. Coutts, //Yukon Places & Names.// Sidney, British Columbia: Gray's Publishing Ltd. 1980: 128.))