Henry Isaacs Henry Isaac and his brother Charles came to the Klondike in 1898. They staked some claims and established the Isaacs Brothers Clothing Store in Dawson in 1900. Their brother Abraham joined them and he moved in with three other single Jewish merchants in town, Max Steinfeld and Daniel “Sam” Levy, who arrived in the north in 1897, and Max Kause, who arrived in 1901. Steinfeld and Levy made a copy of the key to the clothing store warehouse and stole $850 worth of goods that they sold downriver. Steinfield confessed to the crime and went to jail while acting as the key crown witness against Levy. Henry returned to Chicago in 1901 and wooed Belle Weissenback her a necklace of gold nuggets.((Fia Jampolsky, “The pioneering Jews who went north to find riches in the Klondike.”20 November 2019. //The Canadian Jewish News.// 5 May 2020.)) \\ Henry Isaacs’ family tell a story that Dawson ran out of butter in the winter of 1902. The first boat in the spring that carried butter loaded the five-pound tins too close to the boiler and it went rancid. Henry did some successful experiments in rechurning the butter with sea water and then bought the entire cargo of butter at a nominal price. He rechurned it all and made it sweet and edible. He was the only merchant with butter for sale and reached brief fame as the Butter King of the Klondike.((Fla Jampolsky, //The Jewish Presence in the Yukon.// Jewish Cultural Society of Yukon, 2023: 36-37.))