David Johnston David Johnson was Tlingit, born in Teslin. His mother Anne was from Alaska and his father was Jake Morris. They met in Alaska, and travelled north via Atlin. The family lived on the trapline most of the year. David's trapline went from Johnston Town, British Columbia straight to Swan Lake and on the Hook Lake. They travelled by dog team and skidoo. The family would go to Teslin in the spring and David went at Christmas. David's eldest daughter helped him to trap. There was a line cabin at Johnston Creek. At Swan Lake, the trail would go across to the mountain and they would spend the winter there. There was another cabin at Hook Lake. The Teslin Taylor & Drury store was the only place to take the furs in the spring. David used to work there and pick up a lot of groceries for the winter. There is a good place to fish in front of Jennings River at Johnston Town on Teslin Lake.((Dorothy Tom interview at Watson Lake, Teslin Tlingit Council Interviews, 1998.)) \\ David worked with the surveyors for the Alaska Highway out of Teslin. He was a guide through territory that he had never travelled. He and the other Tlingit guides kept their lack of information to themselves and, when confused, climbed a tree to decide the route. When Johnston returned to Teslin, he found the town under quarantine. He ignored this and snuck home to check on his wife and small children. As a result, he fell ill and spent several weeks in bed.((Ken Coates, //North to Alaska!// Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1992: 76-77.))