Falcon Joslin Falcon Joslin was born in Tennessee. He was a well-regarded lawyer in Seattle when he heard about the Klondike strike and he came north with Martin Harris. Joslin did not succeed at mining, but Harris, originally from Riga, Lithuania made a fortune on Sulphur Creek.((Jane Stricker, “Falcon Joslin: Empire Dreams.” //Subarctic Scribbler,// 2018 website: http://www.subarcticscribbler.com/joslin.html.)) \\ Joslin arrived in Dawson in 1897 and was involved in the formation of the Dawson Electric Light and Power Company (DEL&PCo). Billy Chappel was president, Alex MacDonald was vice-president, and Joslin was secretary for the company that had $75k in capital. Joslin was the chief promoter of the Coal Creek Coal Company (CCCCo). Henry Siemer had claims on Coal Creek in the Yukon in 1896 and James Williams was a Dawson capitalist who became interested in the property about 1902. The CCCCo was owned by a syndicate that included Siemer, Williams, another Dawson miner August Carlson, and Carl Magnus Johanson, commissioner of Circle City, Alaska.((Eric L. Johnson, //The Iron Horse Come to the Klondike.// Friesens Corporation, 2012: 29.)) \\ Joslin and Lora Price were married and had three children. Lora and their first child moved to Dawson in 1903 and the couple had a housekeeper to help Lara. They moved to Alaska after Jujiro Wada brought news of a gold strike in the Tanana Valley.((Jane Stricker, “Falcon Joslin: Empire Dreams.” //Subarctic Scribbler,// 2018 website: http://www.subarcticscribbler.com/joslin.html.)) \\ Joslin and Martin Harris dreamed of a railway that spanned Alaska but only achieved financing for a 45-mile railway from the Tanana River to the district’s gold fields. The railway was isolated until the Alaska Government purchased it and linked it with the Alaska Railroad.((Jane Stricker, “Falcon Joslin: Empire Dreams.” //Subarctic Scribbler// 2018 website: http://www.subarcticscribbler.com/joslin.html.)) \\ The historic Falcon Joslin House, built in 1904, was one of the first frame houses built in the mining camp that was early Fairbanks. It is the oldest house in Fairbanks still in its original location. The house was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1980.((“Falcon Joslin House,” //Wikipedia,// 2018 website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falcon_Joslin_House))