Peter Jenkins (1944 - 2021) Peter Jenkins was born in Quebec. A hotel owner in Dawson, he was the community’s mayor from 1980 to 1994. He became famous for registering for satellite television using the name of a dead pioneer, and then distributing the television signals to the community for free.((Peter Jenkins (politician),” //Wikipedia// 2018 website: )) \\ Jenkins was the Yukon Party’s MLA for Klondike from 1996 to 2005 and held a number of cabinet positions including health minister and deputy premier. He was Third Party Leader from 2000 to 2002.((“Jenkins seeks Dawson City mayor’s job, again. (CBC News 24 September 2009. 2018 website: As the lone MLA in a majority government, Jenkins held the government accountable and was described as a force of nature and credited with bringing the party to a majority government in the next election.((“’Force of Nature’: Peter Jenkins, former Dawson City mayor and deputy premier of Yukon, has died.” //CBC News,// 2021 website: \\ Jenkins sat as an Independent in 2005.((“Jenkins seeks Dawson City mayor’s job, again.” //CBC News// 24 September 2009. 2018 website: He was forced out of the Yukon Party cabinet when he had the choice of repaying his company’s government loan of more than $300,000 or quit. He did not run in the 2006 territorial election.((“’Force of nature’: Peter Jenkins, former Dawson City mayor and deputy premier of Yukon, has died.” CBC News, 2021 website: \\ In 2007, fire severely damaged Jenkin’s Dawson business, the Eldorado Hotel.((Jim Butler, “A fallen giant, a more mundane landscape.” //The Whitehorse Star// (Whitehorse), 8 October 2021.)) He returned to municipal politics in 2009 and served again as Dawson’s mayor from 2009 to 2012.((Peter Jenkins (politician).” //Wikipedia// 2018 website: Among others, placer miners, small business owners, the tourism sector, and the Canadian Rangers counted on him for tireless advocacy on their behalf. He had many confrontations over community issues including the town’s controversial decision to expand the boundaries to deepen its property tax revenue.((Jim Butler, “A fallen giant, a more mundane landscape.” //The Whitehorse Star// (Whitehorse), 8 October 2021.)) Wayne Potoroka served on the Dawson Council with Jenkins and described it as a wonderful experience. Potoroka saw Jenkins as a man who made a decision, right or wrong, and lived with it. He was very outspoken, and yet he helped people behind the scenes without seeking recognition for it. Many people in town benefited from his generosity.((“’Force of Nature’: Peter Jenkins, former Dawson City mayor and deputy premier of Yukon, has died.” //CBC News,// 2021 website: