pj johnson pj johnson is the daughter of a Yukon trapper. She has contributed to Canada’s art scene as a musician/composer, actor, poet, playwright, photographer, performance artist, and mentor. She composed and produced the play //Dance of the Northern Lights// in 1992. It was performed at the Yukon International Storytelling festival in the Yukon and at the National Gallery of Canada, and the Austrolobe Theatre in Ottawa. Her earliest poems were published in //I sing Yukon// (1982) and her second book, //Rhymes of the Raven Lady// (1995), was basically a reprint of the first. Little of her work is in print because she has a condition called nonverbal learning disorder. On 1 July 1994, pj johnson was invested by the Commissioner of the Yukon as the Poet Laureate of the Yukon and given the official symbol of office, a carved Tlingit Talking Stick, by Audrey McLaughlin.((“pj johnson Poet Laureate of the Yukon.” 2018 website: https://www.yukonpoetlaureate.com/)) \\ pj johnson’s previously unpublished work was published in //it’s howlin’ time!// in 2018. Johnson celebrated her 25th anniversary as Yukon’s Poet Laureate in 2018.((Stephanie Waddell. “Poet laureate releases a new book.” //Whitehorse Star// (Whitehorse), 7 November 2018.))