Ron Johnson Johnson was born into the Crow clan to Elsie and Charlie Johnson. He grew up at Tr’ochek, across the Klondike River from Dawson, where his parents settled after they rafted down the Yukon River from Fort Selkirk.(("Michael Gates, "Overgrown Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in history rooted out." //Yukon News// (Whitehorse), 27 July 2011. 2020 website: His family came to the area to work in the 1930s and lived there until the early 1960s when they located to the other side of the river in Dawson. At Tr'ochek, Ron played on a bluff overlooking the river where he could watch the sternwheelers arriving in town. He played in abandoned trains and the remains of a sawmill. His family caught fish in the Klondike River near the bluff and grew vegetables in their garden and collected berries above the confluence. In the summers, the family went up the Klondike River to various camps and lived off the land. During breakup and freeze-up, Ron had to walk to the Ogilvie Bridge and could sometimes catch a ride with the school bus coming from Bear Creek.(("Michael Gates, "Overgrown Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in history rooted out." //Yukon News// (Whitehorse), 27 July 2011. 2020 website: Ron Johnson is a respected Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Elder. Tr’ochëk was designated a National Historic Site in 2002.