Susan Elsie Joseph, nee Simon (1912 – 1992) Susan Simon was born at Moosehide to parents Martin and Mary Simon. She had a traditional lifestyle before attending school at Moosehide and Carcross. After she returned home, she and friend/cousin Pat Lindgren acted as substitute teachers and Sunday School teachers at Moosehide. Susan and Joe Susie Joseph were married in 1934.((“Susan Elsie Joseph.” //The Klondike Sun// (Dawson), 14 May 1992.)) Joe Susie Joseph was one of two Charley Village men [from Eagle, Alaska] that married two Hän sisters from Moosehide. ((Craig Mishler and William E. Simone. //Han Hwech'in: people of the river.// Fairbanks: University of Alaska Press. 2004: 213, 234, 259.)) Susan and Joe Susie raised eight children and had a large extended family. Susan was known to be one of the finest beaders in the area. She was also a strong Christian and regularly held communion at her home.((“Susan Elsie Joseph.” //The Klondike Sun// (Dawson), 14 May 1992.))