Victor Jory (1902 – 1982) Victor Jory was young when he and his mother, Josie Jory, left Dawson in March 1904. They soon returned and resided in the Klondike over the next six years. Josie ran the Sixty Roadhouse on Bonanza Creek. //The Daily Oklahoman// reported Victor was born at Little Salmon on the way to the Klondike. Jory said that he was born on Claim #76 Below Discovery on Bonanza Creek. The family genealogy website suggests that Jory was born in 1903, but the date was changed to conceal an illegitimacy.((Michael Gates, "History Hunter: The jury is still out on Victor Jory." //The Klondike Sun// (Dawson), 19 April 2017.)) \\ Victor Jory moved to California where he finished school and joined the Coast Guard. He became a stage actor and was popular when the movie industry started making talking films. He spent fifty years as villain, hero, and character actor in more than 150 films and numerous television shows. Jory was a great supporter of local live theatre in Salt Lake City where his daughter lived. Young Victor Jory studied film and son, John, taught theatre arts in Seattle.((Dan Davidson, //Whitehorse Star// (Whitehorse), 5 April 2007.))