Bobby Kane Bobby Kane and brother Jimmy Kane were born at Neskataheen, a Southern Tutchone fishing village on the Tatchenshini River.((Jane Gaffin, “Jimmy Kane Wrangled for Jack Dalton.” Yukon Prospectors’ Association, 2018 website: In August 1928, Bobby discovered the largest nugget to date on No. 3 Above Discovery on [Dollis] Creek, a tributary of the Tatshenshini River. The nugget had a value at the time of $134.((//Whitehorse Star// (Whitehorse, 24 August 1928.)) Bobby Kane guided the Alaska Highway surveyors from Champagne to Beaver Creek.((Helene Dobrowolsky interviewed Sue Van Bibber in 1991 for the Alaska Highway Interpretive Milepost Project. Heritage Branch files 4057-5-8 II.)) Jimmy and Bobby Kane were both inducted into the Yukon Prospectors’ Association Hall of Fame in 1988. Kane Creek, named to honour the family, flows into Village Creek [T’àt Chùa] and then the Tatshenshini near the site of the old village of Nesketaheen.((Jane Gaffin, “Jimmy Kane Wrangled for Jack Dalton.” Yukon Prospectors’ Association 2018 website: