Ben Kassi (d. ~1937) Ben Kassi was a catechist with the Anglican Church. In the winter of 1924/25, he gave a service every Sunday at Rampart House.((Colin Beairsto, "Making Camp: Rampart House on the Porcupine River." Prepared for the Yukon Heritage Branch, March 1997: 207.)) Reverend Julius Kendi served at Rampart House from 1929 to 1940 [1941].((Linda E.T. MacDonald and Lynette R. Bleiler, //Gold & Galena.// Mayo Historical Society, 1990: 276, 396.)) Joe Kaye and Ben Kassi were lay readers in the church, working with Reverend Kendi.((John Joe Kyikavichik in Vuntut Gwich’in First Nation & Shirleen Smith, //People of the Lakes: Stories of Our Van Tat Gwich’in Elders.// University of Alberta Press, 2009: 231.))