Daniel Thomas Kemble (1956 – 2021) Dan Kemble grew up in Willowdale, Ontario and started birding in grade three. In 1973/74, he attended the alternative school [the Carcross Community Education Centre set up by Bishop Frame of the Anglican Church] at the old Chooutla residential school and made Carcross his home from then on. He and two friends built a cabin at Striker’s Pass, and it became a retreat for him and his friends over the decades. Dan and Virginia Smith were married in 1980, and they had sons Wesley and Vince before they parted ways. Dan met Nancy Maides in Ontario, and they were married in the Yukon in 2011. Dan spent a lot of time in outdoor sports and hockey. He was a coach with the Carcross Crusaders Cross Country Ski Club, building and maintaining the trails and helping with school programs. He was an ardent birder and a long-time member of the Yukon Bird Club. Dan planned the Christmas Bird Count in Carcross, assisted with bird counts in Tagish and Atlin, and led the Blue Grouse hike on Nares Mountain every spring. He volunteered with the Carcross Ambulance Service, Yukon Search and Rescue, and the Carcross Recreational Board, and served as president of the Carcross Area Planning Committee. He was the Carcross fire chief for twenty years. After he and Nancy bought a second home in Atlin, Dan became an active member of that community as well. He was a talented poet, writer, and public speaker, and an avid local historian.((“Daniel Thomas Kemble.” //Yukon News// (Whitehorse), 6 August 2021.)) Dan worked as a carpenter and did restoration work on territorial and national historic sites.((“Daniel Thomas Kemble.” //Yukon News// (Whitehorse), 6 August 2021.)) He trained with Parks Canada on the restoration of the //SS Klondike,// and restored buildings on Herschel Island, a Dawson gold dredge, the //SS Tutshi/ in Carcross, White Pass & Yukon Route’s Duchess railway engine in Carcross, and buildings at Robinson Roadhouse and at Bennett City among others.((Lawrie Crawford, “Dan Kemble, a small man with a huge presence, will be missed.” //Yukon News// (Whitehorse), 4 August 2021.)) Dan Kemble died from a fall in the Pooly Canyon area near Carcross. He and two other hikers separated to explore, and Dan went to investigate some historic buildings in the steep-walled canyon. The area is considered technically challenging for experienced climbers.((“Hiking mishap claims man’s life.” //Whitehorse Star// (Whitehorse), 3 August 2021.))