Kolkata When Dan Van Bibber went to school in Dawson, his best friend was a Japanese man named Ollkata [Kolkata?] in Dawson. When they were old enough, he hired kids at his sawmill on Front Street. The kids were about twelve to fifteen years old. The sawmill was run by a steamboat boiler. The kids would fire up the boiler and keep the steam up. Then they piled the lumber and the Japanese man did the sawing. They started at twenty-five cents, and when they got better they got fifty cents. The kids called him "Cattle." He said he arrived in Dawson in 1898 and he used to drink. One day he got mad at himself and started saving his money. He bought old houses and second-hand stores full of goods. His sawmill was just on the other side of the Yukon Hotel.((Yukon Archives, Dan Van Bibber Oral History Project, January 2000. Tape #2, pages 7, 11.))