Persis Kendi Persis Kendi was supportive of her husband, Reverend Julius Kendi’s, ministry.((Hannah Tolman, ed., //Women of the Anglican Church in the Yukon.// Whitehorse: The Old Log Church Museum, 2019: 19.)) Persis organized the first Women’s Auxiliary at the Old Village near Mayo between 1915 and 1918. Persis also established the Women’s Auxiliary in Old Crow between 1929 and 1941 and had thirty-nine members out of a population of 200.((//The Exham Years: The Church, Art, and Life in Old Crow, 1965-1969.// 2020 website: Every woman in the community became a member. The Kendis returned to Mayo’s Old Village between 1941 and 1946.((Linda E.T. MacDonald and Lynette R. Bleiler, //Gold & Galena.// Mayo Historical Society, 1990: 276, 396.)) They returned to Rampart House / Old Crow in 1947.((Hannah Tolman, ed., //Women of the Anglican Church in the Yukon.// Whitehorse: The Old Log Church Museum, 2019: 19.))