W.P. Kelly W. P. Kelly was a photographer in the Klondike circa 1900 to 1911. A photograph dated 24 May 1900 was taken by Robertson and Kelly so they were in partnership that year.((//Yukon// souvenir photo album by H. A. Darms, 1905. Yukon Archives, 82/20 and 82/23.)) Kelly was in California in 1909 offering mail order printing, developing and photographs of the Klondike.(("Photographers." //Dawson Daily News Special Edition// (Dawson), 21 July 1909.)) He had a studio in Readford, on Quartz Creek, and he ran an ad in the 1910 //Dawson Daily News// selling photographs of Whitehorse, Dawson, and the Klondike gold fields. The University of Washington holds seven of his photographs. The Washington State University Archives also has a number of Kelly's photographs.