Carl Lindley (1919 - 2002) Carl Lindley was an American soldier with the 341st Engineers, working on the Alaska Highway construction project. He was refurbishing the road signs and made a sign of his own marking his hometown and the mileage. He tacked the sign in a prominent place on the highway near Watson Lake. Others were encouraged to follow suit and Watson Lake's signpost forest was the result.((Ted Stone, //Alaska & Yukon History along the Highway.// Red Deer: Red Deer College Press, 1997:148.)) Lindley's homemade sign read "Danville, Illinois, 2,835 miles." Lindley and his wife, Elinor, returned to Watson Lake in 1992 for the 50th anniversary celebrations.(("Sign post forest founder dies." //Whitehorse Star// (Whitehorse), 22 February 2002.))